Mesothelioma and Women
is often thought of as a male disease as the majority of people who
develop it are men. Yet, women are just as susceptible to asbestos and
can develop mesothelioma just as men do, although they are usually
exposed to asbestos in different ways.
If you or a loved one were diagnosed with asbestos-related lung cancer or mesothelioma, you may be entitled to substantial compensation. We invite you to use our Asbestos Attorney Locator Tool to find a top mesothelioma lawyer in your area. With over $30 billion currently in asbestos trust funds, now is the right time to take the first step in determining what you may qualify for.
Second-hand Asbestos Exposure
women have developed mesothelioma after ingesting asbestos fibers
second-hand, via their spouse or other loved ones who worked around
asbestos on job sites. In the past, numerous job sites failed to offer
workers protective gear while working around asbestos, nor did they
offer on-site showers. In turn, workers would return to their family
home with asbestos fibers in their hair, on their skin, and on their
clothing. Most workers were unaware of the dangers they were bringing
into the home as numerous asbestos manufacturers kept information on the hazards of asbestos hidden.
exposure to asbestos remains one of the top reasons that women develop
mesothelioma. In fact, a study published by the National Institutes of
Health (NIH) indicates that almost half of all women’s pleural
mesothelioma cases stemmed from second-hand exposure via relatives.
Occupational Exposure
men who were exposed to asbestos worked at job sites that entailed
industrial, blue collar type work, including working in factories,
construction jobs, plants, shipyards, insulation work, and more. Women
who were exposed to asbestos at work, however, often worked clerical
jobs in buildings made with asbestos materials or as teachers in schools
made with asbestos materials.
Women are also at risk of asbestos exposure if they worked in:
- Bakeries
- Hospitals
- Churches
- Government buildings
women were also exposed to asbestos at the same job sites at men.
During the nation’s major wars, many women worked in shipyards and
Environmental Exposure
Men and women alike are
susceptible to environmental exposure to asbestos if they live near
naturally-occurring asbestos. According to the Agency for Toxic
Substance & Diseases Registry (ATSDR), naturally-occurring asbestos
isn’t dangerous unless it’s disturbed.
asbestos is found in the East, Southeast, Midwest, and West Coast areas
of the United States. The most concentrated areas of naturally-occurring
asbestos are California, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas.
Survival Rates for Women with Mesothelioma
indicate that women diagnosed with mesothelioma generally have a longer
survival rate when compared to men. For instance, women who undergo
surgery have an average survival rate of a little over a year after
treatment, whereas men who undergo surgery typically have a survival
rate of around 16 months.
The type of mesothelioma, however, will
affect survival rates as well. Women with epithelial tumors generally
survive longer than women with nonepithelial tumors. Epithelial tumors
have consistent patterns, whereas nonepithelial tumors have
inconsistent, random patterns, and although patients may receive the
same type of treatment, those with epithelial tumors generally live much
NIH states that most women diagnosed with mesothelioma have the epitheloid subtype.
How Can Women Prove Negligence for Second-Hand Exposure
mentioned earlier, second-hand exposure is one of the main ways that
women develop mesothelioma. However, proving negligence can get a bit
Since most women who developed asbestos via second-hand
exposure didn’t work at the job sites, they are ineligible for workers’
compensation. In addition, proving a second-hand exposure case can be
difficult and met with many obstacles.
If you’ve been exposed to
asbestos via second-hand and you were diagnosed with an asbestos-related
illness, it’s important to retain the services of an experienced
mesothelioma lawyer who can help you understand the legal process and
what you may be entitled to. In recent years, more and more women are
winning mesothelioma lawsuits for second-hand asbestos exposure, holding the manufacturing companies liable.